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Canned Seafood Recipes, quick, easy and inexpensive
September 01, 2016


I hope you're well

This month's issue of Seafood Recipe News has seven canned seafood recipes.

I love canned seafood and always have some in my cupboard.

Sardines on toast with black pepper and lemon juice, mackerel in pitta breads with salad are great and nutritious snacks. A tin of salmon goes a long way in sandwiches with cucumber and makes fabulous fish cakes which the kids (and adults) will love.

I use canned tuna in spaghetti sauces instead of ground beef, because I'm not keen on meat.

Oily fish maintains its properties during the canning process (apart from tuna) so it counts as one portion - we're recommended to have at least one portion a week and two if you have heart problems.

There are loads of recipes using canned seafood on the website if you want to see more - either use the search box or look on the Nav Bar for 'Canned'

Meanwhile, click on the poster to read the Seven Best Canned Seafood Recipes I've got together for you this month.

I have uploaded a 5 part eCourse 50 Fish and Seafood Soup Recipes.

It is a special gift for subscribers to Seafood Recipe News.

If you have a question about these recipes - or any topic - please go here where you can ask your question.

If you have received this email from a friend, go to here and subscribe - that starts the process that will take you to the page where you can request your copy.

If you are already subscribed but haven't had the eCourse, then visit this page and scroll to the bottom.

To see recently added or updated pages, please visit here at the seafood recipe blog which is an update for the find-a-seafood-recipe website, listing the last pages to be built or updated.

I hope you are all well and I will be in touch again soon.

All the best



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