Fish Stock Recipe

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fish stock in a pan

This fish stock recipe is a really good one. I have used it countless times. Remove any gills and roe before cooking as it will make the stock bitter. 

Likewise, don't overcook as it will become bitter - it needs cooking and using on the same day - it doesn't improve with keeping. It is possible though to cook extra and freeze some for use another day.  

I often do this - double or triple quantities - depends on what trimmings I have available. The wine is optional - you can use an extra half cup of water if you prefer. 

Don't leave it for long before straining either - let it cool enough to handle, then strain it quickly. 

Check out the frugal bisque recipe to see a use for what you would normally discard - shells! You can use crab, shrimp or lobster shells to make a stock and then use that to make the bisque.

stock pan

Fish Stock Recipe

8 oz (225g) fish trimmings - heads, bones, skin etc
1 oz (25g) butter
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 small leek - shredded
2 oz (50g) mushrooms - chopped
1/2 Cup, 1/4 pint (150ml) white wine
2 1/2 Cups, 1 pint (600ml) water
bouquet garni - that's 1 sprig thyme, 1 bay leaf and 2 sprigs parsley

Cover the fish trimming with cold water and leave for about 2 hours. Drain and chop into small pieces. This step is optional - I don't always bother, it depends how much time I have to spare.

Melt the butter and gently fry the onion, leek and mushrooms - about 5 minutes, until softened, but not coloured.

Add the fish and wine and allow it to bubble, then add the water and bouquet garni.

Skim the stock frequently and allow it to simmer for about 25 minutes.

Strain the stock and then use in your recipe.

Unlike meat stocks, don't leave it sitting around - it might go bitter. So, as soon as the time is up, strain it. You can then allow it to cool, but don't leave it to cool with the fish trimmings in.

You may like to see these soup recipes to use your stock

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Seafood Stock Recipe


Fish Stock Recipe

This Seafood Stock recipe is a really good one.

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook time: 150 minutes

Yield: 4

Main Ingredient: fish trimmings, mushrooms