Seafood Stock Recipe
Adaptable and Quick

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seafood stock

This seafood stock recipe can be used in all recipes that call for fish stock as a base.

Do not leave the stock simmering for longer than 40 minutes as it could become bitter and do make the stock on the day you want to use it.

Fish stock is one thing that won't keep and doesn't improve with age.

You can either save your own fish trimmings and skins, freeze them until you want them - or you can ask your fishmonger for trimmings. They will normally have plenty that they will let you have for free or just at small cost. 

If you're having lobster, shrimp or crab - any type of shellfish - then save the shells for stock and you can make a lovely bisque. 

If you need to make the stock early, then it is possible to freeze it.  Just cool it quickly after making and then pour into polythene tubs or bags - you can buy special 'pour and store' bags that sort of stand up whilst you fill them then they close with a plastic 'zipper' thing. Push the air out of them when you've filled it and your stop should keep for around six months or so in the freezer.

About a pint or so of stock to each bag is the right sort of quantity.

When you want to use it, then just bring it out and defrost - either at room temperature, in a bowl of water or you could just tip it into the pan you're going to use and put the heat on to melt it.

Then treat as you would any freshly made stock.

Seafood Stock

Skin, bone, heads, trimmings from your fish or prawn (shrimp) shells
water to cover
1 onion, peeled and chopped
1 stick celery, chopped
Bay Leaf

Wash the fish trimmings and place in a pot large enough to fit them.

Cover with cold water and bring up to simmering.

Add the other ingredients and simmer gently for up to 40 minutes.

Strain and cool or use immediately.

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Seafood Stock Recipe

By , Mar 27, 2017

Seafood Stock Recipe

Seafood stock is really easy to make. It takes forty minutes - any longer and it can taste bitter, so don't leave it sat in the pan.

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 40 minutes

Yield: 4

Main Ingredient: fish shells and/or trimmings, onion, peppercorns, bay leaf, celery stick